Professor Pearl and the Petals of Purpose

Author’s Notes: This is a Thoughtstronauts short story I’ve been trying to write for weeks. I’ve had the idea for over a year but I’ve been scarred of making another piece and calling it “Thoughtstronauts.” I want it to be as good as issue one, but in writing. It’s hard to follow up Lane’s art with no visuals, but hopefully I’ve recreated the magic here a second time.

This story goes out to anyone who has invested years of their life towards a dream.

Flowers. Flowers petals flowers. The petals glow blue. Glowing flowers. A girl. Round face, big eyes, tan skin. She tells me “Water.” Says it like it’s obvious. Flowers. Flowers water petals glowing flowers. “It needs time.” she says to me. I’m floating. We’re floating. The flower floats between us.

“Time” She says. I wake up.

My alarm has to be the worst sound in the world. What a weird dream. I keep my phone on the other side of the room, the trek helps me not go back to sleep. It’s all a part of my mourning routine. As is side stepping unwashed clothes and ignoring my pile of bills. Gracious routine for a sophisticated up and coming Cali actress. Where’s my morning soda?

“In other news, California continues to deteriorate due to the drought. Usage is being rationed as water structures are being shut down all across the state. Public pools are closed for the time being and private pools are expected to see increased fines.”

NPR is a great way to catch up with the world, but does it always have to be so depressing? My night stand soda is flat, and the mini-fridge is empty. I’ll have to buy one on my way to work. My work clothes are huddled in a mess in front of the mirror. I take a look at the girl in the looking glass and wonder if she’s worth it. The girl that’s dreaming of being an actress. The girl who’s stuck making ends meet til she does. The girl that has to leave her apartment now if she plans on making it to work on time. As a waitress. In Los Angeles.

Sometimes we live the cliche.

Everyone in LA owns cars, but using the Metro saves you a ton of cash. Work’s not the worst. I get to wear nice clothes and spend the day in a fancy restaurant. My boss, Clinton, is…decent. For a boss. He can’t seem to decide who he wants to be. Some days he’s personable and chummy, other days he’s an asshat. He was a theater major, now a restaurant manager. But a few waitresses have made it out of here with gigs! With a bit of luck and hard work it could happen to me.

My shifts are normal. Clock in, smile big, work my charm for tips. It’s like being paid for acting lessons. I take the LA Metro from downtown home. The Metro was quiet today, no one is at my stop. There’s a plant growing on the tracks, a small flower. It hasn’t really grown yet it’s just starting to sprout but it seems like…Maybe…It’s glowing? Like in my dream? That doesn’t make sense. I need to go home. I need to go to bed, I’m seeing things.

“May I sit here?”

I turn my head and see…A girl. The one from my dream? Round face, big eyes, tan skin. She has a hairband with a yellow flower in it, and a wardrobe thats…Adorable, to put it mildly. All yellow, skirts and stockings, boots and coats. I’m glad people can hold onto their inner child.

“Yeah, of course.” Am I smiling? I hope I’m smiling. Sometimes I look like I’m miserable when I’m not. She smiles back at me and sits.

“I’m Professor Pearl, I’ve been coming by the past few days to see that.” She’s pointing at the flower. “I’ve been watching it grow for days.”

I believe her. I’ve never seen her at this Metro stop, or in LA, but I can tell it’s the truth.

“It takes dedication, making something grow. Wonderful things need time and care to flourish. You can’t just be there in a pinch. It has to be every day, over and over, a constant current.”

A train is arriving. One I’ve never seen before. She looks at me and asks, “Do you think you can do that?”

“…yeah.” I’m agreeing, but I don’t feel like we’re talking about the flower. The train that shows up is definitely not the normal public transit. It’s yellow, with big bright windows and the beams of a locomotive, but no wheels. Is it floating? Holy crap it’s floating! And is that a cat wearing a conductors hat at the front of the train? I’m home, I’m already asleep, I’m dreaming. Pearl gets up and puts her hand on my shoulder. This is real.

“That’s my train, gotta go.” Pearl walks into the cat driven train like it’s normal and waves goodbye. I wave back as the doors shut. My train comes on the tracks right after hers leaves. Same train it’s always been, same passengers and timing. No cat conductors, no levitating cars, nothing cool. No fair, I wanna ride Pearl’s train.

It’s been weeks since I’ve seen Pearl. Work’s been the same, but I keep checking on the flower at the station. No one seems to notice it but me. I’ve been carrying a water bottom with me and pouring out a bit for it once or twice a week. It’s only a little bit but I hope it helps. Plus i’ve stopped drinking soda, started doing yoga, and I’m trying out for commercials. Even though I’ve been at it for weeks nothing’s come through, but It hasn’t stopped me. These things take time, you have to put the time in or nothing will change.

It was raining today, so no one came into the restaurant. Honestly, it’s a good thing. I’ve been on my phone all day checking my emails over and over. I’ve gone through two rounds of casting and they’re down to the final three actresses. I’m one of them….Holy shit, I’m one of them! They need me in tomorrow for the final review, but I’m scheduled for work. Clinton has to let me go to this, it’s my first shot!

“Hey Bossman!” I shout and turn around. He’s incredibly busy with the incredibly high priority task of wine glass shining.

“Yes Becky?”

“I just found out that I have a tryout tomorrow for a spot in a commercial and i’m one of the last three actresses chosen and I really need to go but I don’t know if anyone can cover my shift and it’s super important to me please please PLEASE find someone to cover for me!?” I say in what must have been a single breath. Forgive my excitement. Actually don’t, I’m ecstatic, I have a right to be.

“Let me check the schedule.” His walk to the back room feels like an eternity.  The time between knowing and not, the schrodinger’s box of the future, always seems to turn your stomach in ways you never thought possible. It’s like mixing two incredible flavors of froyo that just don’t work well together. The Lime Tart, Peanut butter-hazelnut combination no one asked for.

“Yeah…” Is this a good yeah or a bad yeah? “yeah…” That yeah was a bad yeah definitely a bad yeah. “Yeah it doesn’t seem like I’ll be able to get anyone to cover in that time. Can you reschedule?”

“I…You can’t just…It’s a tryout!” How the fuck does he not know you can’t reschedule a tryout?

“Well you can call around and ask, but I’m not sure you can find coverage in time. Nothing I can do about it, sorry buddy.” I’m not you buddy, guy. Friggin jerk face dumb butt. Work ending doesn’t make me feel better. Neither does walking to the train station. In the rain. Seriously how often does it rain in LA? The station is empty again, quiet.  No one here but me and the little blue flower. It’s bloomed! It’s gorgeous and blue and…Glowing? Glowing! Like in the dream I had weeks ago. The dream with-

“Do you have any water?” I turn around to see my mysterious new friend looking incredibly concerned.

“Pearl! What’s up-”

“Water, and a container. A bottle, Nalgene, mason jar, any kind of container with water!”

“Do I have…Yes, yes I do why?”

“Good, I need you to jump on these train tracks with me.”

“What?!” There’s a buzzing coming from the end of the tracks. The train should be arriving in minutes. Pearl must be insane, there has to be a car coming.

“Hurry! We need to save the flower!”

“The flower?! Pearl we’ll get run over.”

“We won’t, just trust me.” And just like that, Pearl hops on the tracks. What is with her? She’s more concerned for that flower than her life. She turns around and looks at me with her hand stretched, waiting.

“I’m here, will you join me?”

“I can’t, I don’t want to get run over, it could mean my life.”

“Listen, I’ve spent the past few weeks viewing, observing and monitoring this flower. I can’t just let it die.”

“But it’s just a flower.”

“No, it’s a life. It has purpose. It has meaning. Little beautiful things like flowers are nature’s art, they give people a reason to live. The beautiful things in this world take time to bloom and nurturing to reach that state, I can’t just let this thing die. Not after the time I’ve put into it, and I’m willing to risk these train tracks to keep that alive.”

She’s…she’s right.

“Will you join me?”

I join Pearl on the tracks. What she said was the truth. Something might seem frivolous or tiny to someone else but results take time, and life is an investment. I climb down onto the train tracks, constantly reminding myself of how stupid this is. The buzzing keeps getting louder, and when I look down the tunnel I see two bright lights headed my way.


“Trust me, i’ve got this.”

The buzzing is louder now, and I can see a shape coming closer.  The lights at the end of the tunnel are getting larger. I turn to Pearl and she’s just…squatting. Collecting this flower into my water bottle like nothing’s going on.


“I’ve got this.” She says without looking up. Still pulling the dirt into my water bottle.

I look down the tunnel and there are more lights now. Dozens, opening more and more as time goes on.


“We’re gonna be ok!” she says reassuringly. She’s starting to close my water bottle. The flower’s completely inside.  The buzzing is deafeningly loud, the lights are almost at us. We’re gonna get run over. I’m going to die.


“Got it!” She reaches into her pocket and pulls out…A glow stick? What in the world is a glow stick going to do to protect us from the on coming…Bugs? Hundreds of bugs, the size of a nerf football just flying right at us. Scarab shaped, hungry and angry, coming straight for us! I hear the familiar crunch of a glowstick being lit as Pearl and I are covered in a bright and yellow light. He glowstick, it made some kind of bubble of light.  The bugs are bouncing right off the outer layer and fly around it. It feels like we’re in the heart of a storm.

“What are those?”

“Serrasects, bugs that eat away at positive thoughts. It’s ok, they’re only migrating though. The question is to where.”

“They wanted the flower?”

“They did, but it’s small in comparison to where they’re going. They could have eaten it up but we decided that the flower was more important. We stayed, and stuck to it. Sometimes you have to throw yourself on the tracks for something that’s important, and when the bad stuff blows over you’re just fine. In fact, you’re stronger.”

Pearl opens the jar and plucks a single petal. She puts in a clear test tube before handing me back my water bottle with the flower inside.

“The petals from this flower make a fantastic tea you know.” I wouldn’t know the first thing about making a tea from flowers, but I nod in agreement. Pearl and I climb back on the tracks. She gives me a hug, I hug her back.

“My train’s here, I have to go. Can you take care of that flower for me?”

“Of course, thank you.” She gets into her impossible cat conducted train and leaves me at the mundane station. I’ve got my glowing flower and a train to catch before I walk home in the rain and tell my boss I can’t show up for work tomorrow.

I’m up early this morning. I start my day by calling work in a few hours before my shift. “I can’t come in today. I’m booked.”

“But we don’t have a waitress.”

“You’ll just have to call someone in, I’ll be in for the rest of my schedule, and I’ll keep coming in but I told you I’m an actress. I’ll try to schedule this stuff ahead of time from now on, but I can’t come in today. I need this role.”

“I understand, I’ll find a cover. Try to give me a heads up next time, ok?”

“I will.”

I look at the flower on my night stand, then turn to the neatly folded outfit by my mirror. Last night’s storm is over, and I’m ready for today.

Professor Pearl and the Petals of Purpose

Author’s Notes: This story is part of a world I call “Tower”. Inspired by Sci-Fi like Ready Player One, Summer Wars, Sword Art Online and .Hack, I wanted to create a fictional world where playing a massively multiplayer online game was a backdrop for real human problems.

This piece was written for Laura Hoffman, the friend who taught me what it meant to put myself first.

They stepped out of the convenience store as friends, but they had entered as strangers. Nicki had just moved to that end of Brooklyn.  There were a lot of new things in the city she wasn’t used to, the cold, the lights, the people. It wasn’t that finding other Tower players was hard, especially in the city with the most up-to-date and accessible Tower stands in the world. It had more to do with Travis’s hoodie.

“Holy shit, you play Tower?!” Nicki asked, her tone changing to that of an excited child.

“Was the hoodie too much of a give away?” Travis grinned, tugging his zipper to a close.

The gold trim lettering informed her of his contest winnings. “Best New Weapon Design”, displayed inside laurels fitted just between his shoulder blades. His build was trim, his arms slender. The jacket was resewn to fit, Travis’s idea.

“That’s so cool! I’m a 3D artist as well. I mean the toolset in Tower makes it really easy to build new stuff but I haven’t won anything yet. Would I know about your weapon? Is it popular?” Nicki gripped the phone in her pocket tightly. She was two questions away from a new contact.

“How about I show you?” Travis asked, cutting the small talk. He handed her a black playing card with the Tower logo on the front. His account name, housing instance ID and 15 free days of playtime were featured on the back. This was the first time she met a stranger who cared about the game as much as she did, but it’s uncertain if it was her excitement or his forwardness that blushed her into silence.

“…Okay.” She took the card from his hand and placed it against her phone. The backlight flashed as a confirmation buzzed against her grip. He’d already accepted her friend request by the time she made it home.

Nicki woke up to her alarm, a holographic teddy bear that would dance around the room until she could catch it. Her boyshorts pushed out an unappealing muffin top she gained from a lazy city living, and her originally oversized shirt was becoming closer to form fitting everyday. Ex boyfriends would describe her as snow white with messy brown hair and freckles. She called herself short, chubby and pasty with the skin tone of mozzarella. Most of her days were the same: shower, forget to brush her teeth, then mindlessly tap “Apply” to any job that vaguely fit her skillset. Most of the notifications on her phone were the same. 5 new jobs found, 12 jobs expired, 1 missed call from her mother and an e-mail from her brother. Likely photos of nieces and nephews, questions of how Brooklyn was treating her and if she needed help. There was a new notification today, one from “T-90x”. A play request. A smile crawled on her face as Nicki buried her head in her shoulder. Cute boy. Makes weapons. Wants play game with me. She swallowed her breakfast with the minimum required chewing and In a single motion pulled her monitor and handsets on.

“C’mon…c’mon….” Nicki groaned to herself. The loading screen could not have been any longer. The menu faded, and piece by piece Travis’s instance began to load.

Travis’s instance started to phase in, a level he built. Describing it as decadent would be kind. Ivory greek columns lined a silver brick road that illuminated with every step. The road led up to a pearl white dome held together with golden cement. This instance was designed for someone who believed themselves of high caliber and taste, and read just the same. For someone who believed they were more than what they are.

“Hey” Travis said, closing holographic menus and stepping off from the column he was leaning against. “Just checking some PMs and stuff.”

Travis’s avatar looked like an exaggerated, toned version of himself. Nicki looked more or less identical.

“Oh, cool.” Nicki managed, as she began to find her way around. ”Nice place, it’s really…”

“Boss?” Travis said with a smile. “So, you want to see it?”, Travis asked. He locked eyes to gauge her excitement, walking backwards to guide her into his instance.

“YES!” Nicki shouted, following him like a puppy desperate for affection. “How long did it take you to build this place?” She said in a tone that combined both awe and worry.

”It got done over time.” Travis explained, “Some of the materials I purchased through in-game trade, some came from the contest winnings, but the majority I got on my own.”

“Doesn’t it take days to mine for silver and golden ore?” Nicki replied.

“Greatness takes dedication.” Travis said with no hesitation. It sounded like something he was used to saying.

The inside of his instance looked like a museum. The center room featured a single weapon floating in place and spinning. A blade, one that looked like the sharpened wing of a bat. The hilt and spine were red, the blade itself was black. She took a look around the room and saw the other weapons on display. They were nearly identical, or variations of the same concept. Maces, flails, axes, spears all sporting the same bat like qualities and red and black color scheme. Most of them had titles from their submission dates, noting if they were nominated for prizes. A few of his earlier pieces were, but as the dates of each piece became closer to the present, the file names made no mention of contest, submissions, or nominations.

“Oh, wow you’ve made a lot of stuff…” Nicki said, looking around the room.

“Yeah I’ve been working on some new things, not really ready to show them yet.” Travis seemed like he was distracted with his own work. He hadn’t turned to look at Nicki since they walked in.

“You have a very…unique…aesthetic.” she said, looking for words that didn’t uncover her disappointment. Not willing to give up, she scanned the room to find something worth mentioning. She had nearly given up until she found a band poster. “Hey! The Cloudchasers! You listen to them?”

“Yeah, they’re pretty cool. I’ve liked them since before they changed their name. Their new stuff is kind of derivative though. I hate it when that happens to artists…”

“Yeah, it’s real shame.” agreed Nicki. She was a fan of all of their albums, but didn’t feel like bringing it up. She wanted her new friend to think she was cool.

“Well hey, do you want to level up some? This week they’re running a special Steampunk dungeon with limited loot drops and blueprints, wanna party up?”

“Of course!” Nicki said.

It was about 2 am before she signed off. Playing Tower with Travis was different. He knew how to rush through levels and skip straight to the rewards. Not her style of play, but fun with a friend. Her days began to fall into a rhythm. She woke up, checked her messages, worked out, then worked on her art.  By 8, she had enough done that she’d decide to play Tower for an hour or two. Travis only had time to talk to people if they were playing as often as he was, so they only spoke when Nikki had time to play. As the days became weeks, months piled together and Nicki decided it was time to see the real world again. She’d ask Travis to coffee but he never followed through. Sometimes he’d miss the message, some days he’d respond that he was busy. Most days he was playing Tower, and only made it outside for chores. He wouldn’t come out for Nicki’s birthday that February, something about a limited time reward that day. He couldn’t make it to the Cloudchaser’s concert either, citing their lack of originality and the new Raid being far more important. He would have gone dancing with her if it weren’t guild night, and he couldn’t find time in his schedule to video chat at all. By the time summer rolled in Tower had announced their annual contest, the same contest Travis had won only a few years back. She IMed him immediatly.

(Nicki): Hey! Did you see the summer competition?

(Travis): Yeah, it’s cool. Think I’m gonna skip it this year though.

(N): Why?

(T): Not feeling it, I mean I’ve already won once so like, what’s the point? I’m still making bank off my first prize winner and I’ve gotta earn a bit more rep before I can grow the size of my instance.

(N): Oh. Ok. I thought it’d be cool if maybe we could work on something together? Maybe I could make a creature and you could give it a weapon? That way we could both be in two categories. You’d be in Weapons and Monsters, and I’d be in Monsters and Pets!

(T): Uhm, yeah maybe! DM me later and I’ll get back to you.

Nicki focused on her work and sent him the direct message as he asked. He never got back to her.

It had been another year and a half before Nicki would hear back from Travis again. She woke up that morning to find a DM from his account.  She flipped her phone face down, crawling out from under her sheets in a way that wouldn’t wake up David. She put on last year’s yoga pants, pocketed her phone and passed her roommate’s bedroom door.  She started tightening the waist of her pants as she walked downstairs. She was going to have to buy a smaller size soon.  She checked her phone for messages and scrolled past the usual. A few invoices from clients that wanted pets tailored for them, weekly profits from her ingame store, a reminder to call her mother and a notification telling her to buy plane tickets this week. She was going to visit her brother and his kids.

She stared at the message from Travis. His icon was the same, so was his avatar. Travis wanted to know if Nicki had time to get coffee that week.  That thursday, specifically. She thought about not answering, but decided that honesty was the best policy.

“Sorry, I can’t.” She typed, “I’m seeing the Cloudchasers with my boyfriend that evening.”

Tom’s Survival

Author’s Notes: This story was written for Dan Peavey, a man who is always fulfilled when working his hardest and doing his best.

Tom would wake up every morning and shut the blinds from his window.  The ever-expanding view of space that unraveled outside of it had a tendency to be a bit too bright in the mornings. What an eyesore, seeing infinite and vast creations of the cosmos.  He could have spent points to change his window to an artificial sunrise, but opting for no simulations saved points. In addition seeing planets and stardust every morning reminded him that he was, in fact, on a spaceship. It was a sobering thought after waking from his adver-dreams. Rubbing his eyes and splashing water on his face, he’d check his mirror for daily notifications.

+5 points: You woke up on time!

+10 points: You got a full 8 hours of sleep!

+50 points: 5 perfectly productive days in a row!

The various meters and bars representing Tom’s life began to fill up.  His Happiness Graph maintained a steady plateau. His Productivity Meter made it to full once a day. His life expectancy was at the 80% mark of the Bell Curve and he was only a few more points from earning another level.  He brushed his teeth as the Nation-Ship’s National Anthem vibrated into his skull.

We are faithful to you-TO-pia, provided by Microsoft!

And we swear our might to you, our lords, in our own AT&T home!

May we find a planet for our kings, and we’ll call it MSNBC-Earth!

Our faith is placed in you our kings, sponsored to-day by:

Taco Bell Tuesdays! Now serving fair-trade petri-meat.

+10 points: You made it through a full 30 second brush!

Spitting into his sink and placing his toothbrush down to charge, Tom get ready for his day. His toothbrush downloaded tonight’s ad-feed, an additional +10 points if you brushed your teeth before sleeping. Tom swapped his sleeping clothes for his standard issue work clothes. He turned to look in the mirror and put on his Blue Pin, an indication he he worked in manual labor. It also served as an easy way for White Pins and Chosen to avoid speaking with him. A lot of people saw it as a badge of shame. Tom was happy to still have a place on the ship.

Stepping out of his apartment, Tom’s door sealed behind him with a vacuumed click. He looked out into the body of the ship from the small balcony off his apartment complex. The city within his Nation-Ship stretched for miles. Buildings climbed from the bottom floor and stretched their way up to the simulated-skybox above. Today the sun bore the Taco Bell logo, and the clouds were in the shapes of menu items. Gordita shaped clouds softly drifted next to nachos and burritos, prices listed neatly below. Tom yawned and waddled his way downstairs to the Generator-Bus Stop.

The Generator-Bus was an energy conductive form of Public Transit. Everyone on the bus would jog on a platform, and that power would back into the Nation-Ship. Tom could afford the insta-transport, but he enjoyed commute times. Public Transit let him meet people outside of work. The Generator-buses treadmills were also a form of exercise, and he’d get points for powering the Nation-Ship and maintaining his health. Tom smiled and said “Hello!” to the Generator-buses driver. The driver was a robot with a holographic face that automatically drove the bus and avoided collisions. It couldn’t register his hello, but it’s the thought that counts. Tom liked being nice to people in the service industry.

+10 Points: Thank you -TOM- for using public transit! You will earn (+2) points for every (10) steps taken today!


Everyone on board the Generator-Bus marched in unison. Tom looked around for new faces. People would often take the Generators as a last ditch effort to earn more points. If you don’t make point quota enough times you’d have to relocate to another ship or face “Lock Out”.  Lock Outs means. The Nation-Ship’s Collective Chosen have decided that you can’t provide for the ship anymore and would send you out the airlock. Tom liked to cheer on new Generator passengers, but making friends just to lose them was simply the worst. He’d keep a tally on who lasted more than 4 weeks, then he’d introduce himself.

Achievement Unlocked: Congratulations Tom! You’ve earned enough points for another day off! You have (200) days off saved up! Why not take a vacation to Metropaclis? The magical metro-tropical metropolis!

Metropaclis seemed like a nice Space-Nation. It was filled with young, rich, beautiful passengers. If living there meant you were either famous, born under a “Chosen” name, or you were attractive enough to get work as a part of the Ship’s “Scenery Department”. Everyone else could visit, but only for a maximum of 7 days. Any longer and people would start thinking you might live there.

After a 20 minute jog Tom arrived at his station. The Bus dropped him off right outside his workplace. A giant glass bubble sealed off the isolated environment necessary to provide the upscale organic experience demanded by high point earning residents. Tom looked up at the entrance while his body and pin were scanned.

+25 Points! Welcome to work Tom! This is your (50th) consecutive day of showing up on time!

The doors flew open as Tom braced himself for the rush.  Pollen, moisture, dirt, heat. It all flew at him at once like a hug from mother nature herself. A smile crept over his face as the familiar smells brought him the one thing no other part of the ship could provide. These plants grew naturally, unmodified, and free. Even with the robotic aids someone needed to watch over the process. It was something that separated him from the ads, the oceans of people, the tiny bedroom and the knowledge that he was a cog in a system much greater than him. Here things were aloud to be free and to grow just a bit wild. They could live outside the lines, with no one telling them how.

Thank you for your work today! You’ve earned (230) points, having accrued a total of (798,452) points. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Tacos sounded nice, so did spending time with friends. There were tons of things Tom could do with his workday done. But he didn’t want to leave work, not just yet. Plucking a tomato and making his way to the highest point in the dome, Tom watched over his plants and smiled. Disconnected, alone, and free.

Tom’s Survival